Shopify vs Bigcommerce SEO Comparison 2024

Shopify vs Bigcommerce SEO

Bigcommerce and Shopify are both big names in the e-commerce world. When it comes to retailing on the internet, SEO is your best friend. The more your website is optimised to feed the search algorithms, the better reach it will have. This will consequently determine your sales. Let us take a dive into how both these platforms have curated their respective websites for optimal efficiency by comparing Bigcommerce and Shopify.

Shopify vs Bigcommerce SEO

User interface

Shopify user interface

Here are some key characteristics of Shopify’s user interface 

  • Easy-to-use UI
  • Beginner friendly 
  • Comprehensive Dashboard 
  • Good Mobile responsiveness 
  • Customisation 

Bigcommerce user interface

Now let’s take a look at some of the big commerce UI features 

  • Intuitive dashboard
  • Responsive design
  • Efficient product management
  • Various payment options 

Bigcommerce vs Shopify user interface. Which is better?

Shopify has an easy-to-use layout that makes it simple for users to navigate through different sections, such as analytics, orders, and items.

Its user-friendly drag-and-drop customization features contrast with BigCommerce’s sometimes confusingly intricate navigation system. Additionally, Shopify’s UI design makes inventory management easier, and both platforms provide simple product administration. Users may find and integrate third-party apps with Shopify thanks to the App Store’s integration into the user interface. Conversely, Shopify’s order management interface is efficient, while BigCommerce’s app ecosystem is more intuitive and user-friendly. Both platforms receive recognition for their user-friendliness and user-centric design.

Who has a better APP Ecosystem? 

Shopify provides users with a wide range of tools inside a sophisticated SEO ecosystem. While SEO Image Optimizer improves website performance through image optimization, Yoast SEO is a potent tool for on-page element optimization.  A virtual SEO helper called Plug in SEO offers a thorough evaluation and points out areas that need work.

 A mobile-friendly version of a page called AMP by Shop Sheriff raises its position in mobile search results. Rich snippets and increased exposure in search results can be achieved by applying structured data with the help of JSON-LD for SEO. This helps search engines comprehend the context of the material. While BigCommerce’s SEO Manager app offers capabilities for creating SEO-friendly URLs and optimising product pages, it might not be as comprehensive as Shopify’s dedicated apps. Additionally, BigCommerce provides image enhancement software but the selection of images is more limited as compared to Shopify, Shopify’s status as a top e-commerce platform for companies looking to succeed online is largely due to its dedication to offering an extensive range of SEO tools.

Blogging features of Shopify and bigcommerce

Shopify blogging features 

  • Shopify’s platform seamlessly integrates a robust blogging system. This native feature allows merchants to create and publish content directly on their online store. The user-friendly interface makes it easy for businesses to engage in content marketing without the need for extensive technical skills.

BigCommerce blogging features 

  • BigCommerce also offers a blogging feature, but some users find Shopify’s implementation more intuitive. Shopify’s blogging capabilities empower businesses to craft compelling content, incorporating relevant keywords and establishing authority within their niche.

SEO-Friendly URL Structures 

Shopify URL structure 

Shopify makes it simple for users to customise URL structures. By using this SEO-friendly strategy, brand owners and sellers can produce keyword-rich URLs that improve their search engine presence. The platform’s adaptability to changing URLs facilitates a methodical approach to SEO.

Bigcommerce URL structure 

While Shopify’s approach is more user-friendly, BigCommerce offers URL modification as well. Shopify’s URL structure strategy complies with SEO best practices, which helps to improve search engine rankings.


Most search engines tend to favor secure websites hence, Security is a top priority for websites like Shopify and bigcommerce.

Shopify security features

  1. Shopify provides SSL certificates by default to allow a secure experience on the website. This commitment to security can positively impact the SEO of the website.
  2. Shopify being a PCI DSS complaint allows a more secure payment gateway.
  3. Fraud analysis is another great feature provided by Shopify that detects any fraud or scam to protect the customer.
  4.  Shopify has a two-factor authentication that gives more protection to the customer online.

 Bigcommerce security features 

  1. Bigcommerce also provides SSL certificates to allow a secure experience like Shopify.
  2. Like Shopify, bigcommerce is also PCI DSS compliant which allows you to make payments without compromising your data.
  3. Fraudulent activities are detected on bigcommerce to verify the seller and avoid scams.
  4. Two-factor authentication is also an integral point in the big commerce security structure.
  5. Surely BigCommerce is also known for its security measures, but Shopify’s reputation for reliability and security is frequently emphasized.
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